#83 Haunted objects and psychometry: Sensing energy through touch

In this episode, we are talking haunted objects, psychometry and practical ways you can assess items before buying them using your own psychic abilities and yes, you do have them!

In this episode, we are talking haunted objects and psychometry. People often ask me how I feel or sense energy and entities in objects which is technically known as psychometry. I have four experiences to share with you highlighting entity attachment to items and some you might not even suspect such as a lapis lazuli necklace, an innocent-looking antique chair and the couch at the hairdresser… now that was an interesting experience.

And I will share some of the ways you can assess items before buying them using your own psychic abilities and yes, you do have them! So, let’s lift the veil on psychometry and haunted objects.


#83 Haunted objects and psychometry: Sensing energy through touch


PSYCHOMETRY is an extrasensory ability to sense energetic impressions, sensations, messages and information from objects, photos, people, pets and places. Later on, I will be sharing my top 5 psychometry tips for awareness, activation, and observation that you can use to practice sensing energy in objects, so stay tuned

Firstly, I will give you a quick rundown on how psychometry works in general and for me personally. We are all going to have slightly different ways our awareness works but this information will help you understand the idea of reading objects and photos.

Holding an object and sensing information about the person who owned it is a classic psychometry method. You can do this with living people’s objects and also deceased people’s items. You can pick up on the emotions of the person, see images of them and their experiences, and habits, and get dates, and events, some people feel bodily signs as pains and sometimes get messages. The more personal the item such as jewellery, keys or a favourite piece of clothing, the more connection you have to the person’s energy.

Photos too are a great way to connect to people’s energy. This can be living or deceased people and photos can impart messages from loved ones wanting to connect to family members. When you look at photos, you can sometimes pick up on the person’s personality, personal traits, and habits. This information can be similar to object reading and some people prefer photos over objects or the other way around.

Photos of places sensitivity are part of my energy-clearing work. Homes, buildings and even trees on properties can talk to me and show me what they have absorbed from people’s experiences, traumas, addictions and negative behaviours.

I pick up a pet’s energy in photos. People send me photos of pets with problems and I take an energetic look at the animal’s mental and emotional issues. I created a whole episode on this back in episode 24, check it out for the full story on pets and energetic imprints.

Furniture also tells me information, either through photos or in person with the piece in someone’s home. Furniture absorbs our energy in the home both positive and negative and also from the people who made and packaged the item.

Let’s get into some fascinating encounters with four psychometry experiences of mine in person and through photos. Our first in-person experience was a rather unassuming piece of furniture in a place of business and I just had to sit on it, didn’t I?

I have called this experience: 

The red couch with a secret

Visiting the barber with my son after school one afternoon, we stood waiting for his turn for a trim and when he was called up, I thought, ‘ I might sit down and shut my eyes for a few moments.‘ The only place to sit was on this rather large red couch resting up against the far wall and luckily it was now vacant. As I looked at the couch, I felt a slight quiver in my stomach, but ignored the warning sensation and quickly sat down as someone else had just entered the shop. Shutting my eyes, I started to feel sick in the stomach and angry, so angry I wanted to punch the wall. I found myself with my fists clenched so tight, I lifted and shook out both of my hands. The boy waiting his turn for a haircut looked at me oddly as I rubbed my hands a bit like a crazy person.

I felt the anger coming again and instinctively stood up, straightening my clothes and quietly moved to the counter, leaning and eyeing off the couch ever so innocently stationed in the corner. I thought to myself, ‘That couch has something attached to it and something not very nice! I couldn’t energetically clear the couch as it wasn’t my property and the barber would probably laugh me out of the shop if I said something. From that time on every time we were in the barber shop, I stood near the counter, one eye looking out the window and the other keeping an eye on the devilish red couch in the corner.

Our second story is jewellery based, who doesn’t love jewellery… well this crystal necklace was more than just a pretty piece, it had a history and history I didn’t know about before purchasing it. 

I have called this slightly disturbing tale:

Grandma’s revenge

I love the colour blue, the deeper the blue the better and one night while surfing eBay, I came across a deep blue lapis lazuli necklace. I don’t shop often and impulse buying is a rarity but I excitedly bought the necklace and eagerly awaited its arrival.

As soon as the postman handed me the parcel, I felt different… there had been a shift in my energy and I didn’t quite feel myself in the mind or body. Excited to open the package, I stupidly pushed aside the negative feelings and opened the parcel. The necklace was simple but stunning. I held it up to the light to see the gold flecks shimmering through the lapis stone and I instantly loved it. I struggled to open the clasp but after a lot of fumbling and swearing under my breath, it was in pride of place around my neck.

I wore the necklace for two days before I started to feel the strange symptoms getting worse such as extreme brain fog, slurring speech and I was starting to shuffle as I walked. I could hardly lift my legs and felt exhausted all the time. On the third night, I forgot to take the necklace off and wore it to bed and had the worst night’s sleep ever – odd dreams, delusional thinking, sweating, rapid breathing, and I felt lost and bewildered when I woke in the morning.

On eBay, the feedback reminder came up for the necklace and I thought I would contact the seller. I asked politely where he acquired the necklace and he said it was part of his grandmother’s estate. She had passed of dementia and the family were selling her things to pay bills. As soon as I read dementia, I knew what I was feeling wasn’t me… this was his grandmother’s energy still imprinted into the necklace and being sensitive I was feeling the imprinted energy. I instantly took off the necklace and placed it on my bedside table… what to do with it? This experience was in the early days, in my late 20’s when I was new to clearing objects. I did some research on clearing the negative energy of objects and when I went to get the necklace, the lapis stone had disappeared… vanished out of the silver casing. I looked on the desk, under the desk, down the side thinking it may have fallen out and lay wedged between the furniture but nope, nowhere to be seen! 

I laughed and said to myself,’ Well, she must have been annoyed they sold her things and she came to get her lapis stone back.’ 

That experience taught me a valuable lesson about listening to my body’s intuition before handling and wearing other people’s items. If it doesn’t feel right, do some detective work!


Another quick story for you:

I used to sell pendulums and the postman delivered a parcel to me at the front door one day and again as soon as he handed me the parcel, I felt sick. Much older and wiser now, I thought it could be the postman’s energy or the person who handled and wrapped the items or it could be the people who carved the pendulums.

Carefully unpacking them I laid the 7 amethyst and 4 rose quartz pendulum points on my kitchen table and got out my pendulum. I asked ‘ Are there any entities attached to these pendulums and got yes’. Then I moved the pendulum over each pendulum and asked for my yes confirmation to identify which ones were riddled with dark energy – 4 out of the 11 were clean, so I put them aside. For the other three, I asked some questions, went through the emotion chart, and identified which emotions the entities were attached to on each pendulum, clearing emotions freed up the entities and they left. Afterwards, I checked each pendulum again and all were now energetically clean.

Now, let’s look at psychometry examples of mine from viewing photos:

This is a fascinating experience as furniture holds history and this antique chair sure had a story to tell.
I have called this experience: 


My friend, Clare, sent me a photo of a chair she had recently purchased. It was old and Clare knew energy could attach to items, especially the older ones. Tuning into the chair, as usual, the dark entities presented themselves first. There were 2 beings attached to the residual energy imprints in the chair and as I looked deeper, the word ‘dementia’ popped into my mind and found myself moving my hands back and forth at my side… ‘How odd’ I thought but I knew the movements were connected to the chair. In my mind’s eye, I saw an older lady in her mid-80s who used to sit and rub her hands back and forth on the arms of the chair for hours on end as she looked out a window enjoying the sunshine and the view.

When I asked if there were any spirits attached to the chair, the name Mavis, instantly popped into my head. I am not strong in mediumship but am now learning to trust the names as in the past spirits never gave names OR I wasn’t tuned in the right way to hear them.

As I continued looking at the photo of the chair, I saw the sweet elderly spirit lady sitting quite happily in her favourite chair and she didn’t know she had died. She was totally oblivious to the fact the chair had been removed from her home many years after she had passed. Mavis was lovely, she had the sweetest giggle with her hands cupped over her mouth and her shoulders wiggling from side to side.

Mavis showed me roses and how she spent many hours looking out the curtainless window at pink and white roses at her home wishing she could smell them. Mavis was keen to be free of the Earth reality, she was so calm and ready to go. Before she left, I asked if she had emotions she wished to release. Both the structure of the chair and Mavis wished to release the distress, helplessness and sadness that had been housed in the chair for many decades. As the emotional baggage was cleared, Mavis suddenly looked up and excitedly took the outstretched hand of Arch Angel Azrael and away she happily went into the Afterlife to be with her family and friends.

The two paranormals left when I released the dementia energy and the 3 emotional imprints, leaving the chair energetically clean for its new home and family to enjoy.
This fascinating experience showed me that you never know what or who you will find on furniture!


Before we head to my top 5 psychometry tips, one last ever so creepy experience for you about a 100 year old doll… yep a doll!

I have called this experience:

Dolly by my bed

A concerned client contacted me to check the energy of an antique doll that had been given to her for her soon to be born first child. We will call this lady, Lisa. Lisa said the doll felt creepy and she didn’t like it but couldn’t say no to her 80-year-old neighbour who insisted that she have the doll for her child. The neighbour said the doll had been passed down through her family and she had no one to give it to now and wanted it to go to a good home. She had knitted a beautiful pink bonnet and dress finished off with pink ribbon but the clothing didn’t mask the negativity vibing out of the doll.

Well, this doll… when I saw it, I went “Oh my… oh that’s creepy… those eyes”. The doll had attachments, energetic attachments, I could feel them and quickly messaged Lisa and said, ”Please don’t put that doll into your newborn’s cot, wait and we will see if I can fully cleanse it first’. Lisa was more than happy to leave the doll in the shed… it made her feel weird like headachy and odd in the mind and body after cuddling it for a while.

When I tuned into the doll through a photo, it was not happy, it was vibrating in such an odd way. Its energy was so messed up. I felt cold shivers, pains in my legs, confused thinking and a real unease about the doll. The doll told me it wanted to be called Megan… now where did the name come from… I can’t fully say but I don’t know a Megan, so that name is not normal for my thinking. Megan had been through many people’s homes and disrespectful children had mistreated the doll, pulling on its limbs, throwing it around and hitting it against furniture and those actions and the emotional imprints that came with them from the adults and kids in the homes attracted entities to Megan.

Even after a full clearing with all imprints removed and paranormals moved on, the doll still didn’t feel right or was it my mind doing the creepy haunted doll thing that many of us do. I think it was a bit of both! Lisa decided to keep the doll to honour her neighbour’s request but NO WAY was it going in her daughter’s cot!

Always listen to your mind and body’s reaction to items. Your senses will alert you to disturbing energy… so listen and trust the sensations.

The five top tips for psychometry awareness to use every day

Let’s get into my top 5 psychometry tips for awareness, activation, and observation and remember everyone can do this. Psychometry takes practice and observation, so have fun with it:

1.     Be relaxed in the mind and body with no preconceived expectations of what you will sense. If you want a certain outcome, that is exactly what you will get but is that accurate for your psychometry reading… you have to learn to get out of your own way!

2.     I often talk about the ‘blank mind’ state, in other words empty your mind of all worries, thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Be aware of your bodily pains and aches at this time of doing the psychometry so you don’t confuse your personal stuff with the information coming from the object or photo you are focussing on.

3.     Time to look at the photo, or touch/handle the object, stay relaxed and observe how you are now thinking and feeling. The energetic exchange can be very subtle and it is important to be aware of even the slightest changes in your thoughts, mannerisms, reactions, mood, bodily sensations such as aches or pains you didn’t have prior to holding the object.  You may feel sensations in your whole body or localised such as tingling, lightness, heaviness, prickliness, buzzing, hot or cold spots or wafting waves, tiredness, hyperactivity, emotions, laughing or crying, pulsing, vibrations or electrical zaps, or smells and tastes in your mouth,  Observe everything different between prior to the object to now holding the object or observing the photo. EVERYTHING is relevant, even what you think is strange, weird or odd!

4.     IMPORTANT: Take written notes or record the information coming through… trust me you won’t remember it all later because it isn’t coming from your brain, it is external information being channelled through you and I know we often forget the important bits!

5.     Let your psychic senses guide you, they are an integral part of our energy body and we ALL have them. You would be surprised how often you use them in daily life without realising it. When practising psychometry, you might see information in your mind like a movie or flashes of words, feel emotions and feel like crying or anger or bodily sensations such as pains, coughing, a tight chest, or leg numbness to show you how a person felt if you are looking at a photo. Homes, furniture and items show me trauma that they want to be released. With items, they show me the emotions of the person making the item or the person who used it constantly.

On my YouTube channel, I have videos where I talk about body dowsing which is a form of psychometry. I will add a playlist link in the description notes and podcast transcript.

Energy is electromagnetic and our bodies generate energy all the time, 24/7 with our minds, our thoughts and our actions. We are constantly receiving information from each other … in person and from objects and photographs. Practice and have fun developing your own unique psychometry skills.

Want to share a paranormal experience? Send me your paranormal questions and your stories to:

For information about paranormal house clearing, you can visit the ‘Services’ section:
House, business and property clearing:

I look forward to sharing this spooky space again with you next week,
And remember, life is perfectly paranormal.


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