#84 Demons have souls: Fact or fiction?

The possibility of demons having souls would challenge most people… this is where I step in to share an unique perspective.

An avid lister Amy in the UK asks, ‘Do demons have souls?’ and ‘Can they go to Heaven?’ As usual, I have what could be seen as an alternative viewpoint, or an unorthodox perspective on this topic with added inside information from dark entities themselves. I can share an eye-opening experience about what I have witnessed with dark entity soul energy, and yes I have seen it!


#84 Demons have souls: Fact or fiction?



Question one from Amy: Do dark beings have souls?

As you can imagine this has long been a topic for heated debate (no pun intended) but I can talk from my experiences with these beings. The question of whether demons have souls is a challenging topic for spiritual and religious people and everyone really, but I am going to put my perspective out there!

A friend of mine with a deeply religious background got rather hot under the collar when this topic came up in conversation one day. She questions the nature of such entities being worthy of salvation, so therefore why would they have souls? I don’t see how those two points connect and we no longer speak as she can’t cope, so she told me! People want to see demons as malevolent supernatural tricksters who oppose God’s divine will and set out to harm us humans. It’s all about the paranormal drama and you all know my thoughts on that!

Back in episode 79, I shared my thoughts and experiences about dark entities as teachers. They have a job and their work is to trigger our shadow selves and help us to identify what is blocking us energetically and emotionally, but let’s not get too sidetracked today. Check out that episode if you want to hear the full story.

From an energetic perspective, I see that we ALL come from a point of origin whether you call it mass consciousness, Creator, or Source energy. This is because every living entity including the dark beings is born from this Source energy, the GOD energy that is comprised of billions of energetic particles. Each particle or soul energy has consciousness and this energy can through free will choose a path or agreement for its existence. Beings who continuously go against their agreement become encrusted with layer upon layer of dense energy through their deeds and actions and now have an existence in darkness, but their soul energy is still present within them.

In late 2018, I was shown a regeneration process for dark energy beings called ‘grounding’  and it is not the typical grounding that spiritual people talk about. I was surprised by the fascinating process and its efficiency!

I have called my experience: The grounding rod 

What do you do with entities that exhibit challenging, demanding, and downright dangerous behaviours? I had no idea in the early days of doing this work! Until one particular clearing session where Management showed me a new method using a tool called a grounding rod. 

When I saw the rod, it had a wooden staff-like appearance and stood around 1.5m tall, 5 cm thick, and had a large golden sphere positioned on top. By human standards, it looked like a magical glistening golden staff, shiny and smooth, like something out of a movie and I wondered what on Earth I was supposed to do with it. 

A particularly naughty and destructive energy being would not cooperate one morning. I had used all my releasing techniques, and still, he stood there totally defiant, challenging me and trying to penetrate my energy field using psychic attack. In one last attempt, I gave the being the only two options I knew at that time: either transition as per our agreement or go back to where you came from. He chose neither, so what could I do now? 

Management (which is a collective term for my spiritual support team) must have had enough of his shenanigans, and from above, I saw a brightly coloured golden rod with a large golden ball on top appear in my peripheral vision. The dark energy was unaware of the golden object as his entire focus was on me. The rod silently lowered itself behind the dark entity, and as if magnetized, the rod instantly drew the dark energy to it and immediately sunk into the ground. I sat in my office witnessing this experience with my eyes and mouth wide open! All I could see was the ball on top of the rod sticking out of the earth.

Management showed me through visualisation that the dark energy being was not harmed but merely returned to the Earth where it needed to be. There he would go through his necessary transformation in a grounded way, while other dark energies choose to cross the threshold and spiritually transition their energy. This low vibrational being was too dangerous to be allowed over the crossing point into the Afterlife waiting room.

From then on, I was permitted to call on the golden rod when needed in extreme cases and have witnessed miraculous changes in some dark energy beings through its use. During another clearing, I was going through a similar experience as I just mentioned, this particular dark being only needed a partial grounding up to his waist. As I watched, I witnessed the hard crusty shell start to crack away from his body, and a glistening white soul light flew off into the ether. The grounding experience instantly released the dark energy being’s soul into the Afterlife. Again, eyes and mouth wide open… “Well’, I said, “This work never ceases to amaze me!”

I find now that 40% of the dark energies I encounter through house healing or energy field clearings choose to transition to the Healing Space with no resistance. The other 60 % of lower vibrational energy beings decide to go back to their own realm or out into the Earth’s environment.

Back in episode 43, I covered the transition of the darkest of dark energy beings, what makes them seek change and how the process works and No, they don’t get a free ticket into Mass Consciousness, so I won’t fully cover those topics in this episode. Check out episode 43 to hear the full transition information and experiences.

Amy’s second question – Can dark entities go to Heaven?’

I am going to answer that question with a ‘No, well not quite’, i isn’t as simple as that. People understand spirits go to the light or Heaven but often question where dark energy beings go. In the past, I have been asked – ‘Are they welcome in Mass Consciousness? Do they change their ways? And why would God want them?

ALL energy beings have souls and we have all come from one Mass Consciousness and can return to this point of origin if we choose so after the physical death of the body in the Earth reality.

For the darker entities, trust is essential when working with non-physical beings. They have to observe your behaviours, authenticity, and ethical processes to be comfortable in letting you help them. They are often rebellious, defiant or confused about change, and their self-worth (Yes, these entities can have self-worth issues) can hold them back from seeking a new level of existence away from the Earth or Dark Realm and these points bring up another question-

Why do dark beings resist crossing to the light?

Dark energies have an innate fear of retribution from the Arch Angels as they are present at the threshold to oversee the crossing process. Because of past experiences, some dark beings instinctively expect payback. I explain to them that the Arch Angels are there to manage all souls during the transition process and keep me safe, and that is all. Once I say this, the darkest energy being will cross over unencumbered by fear of reprisal. In my early days of transitioning spirits and dark energies, I wondered why I always felt some resistance, and now I know why.

In the Healing Space, a place in the afterlife waiting room ( discussed back in episode  43)  dark energies can go to work on healing their wounded souls, they raise their vibration, and the darkness surrounding them is no longer as dense. They remember who they were before the darkness came and are excited about their futures. Some resist because of their fear and feelings of injustice towards themselves. Still, their spiritual supporters in the Healing Space encourage them to embrace their fears and help them see their future.

Their dark covering is a protective coating built up over eons of living in negative ways. Their true selves sleep until the time for their awakening. Every energy being has free will, and so too for the dark energies. The darker realm can no longer hold them, as old habits and actions of their past no longer excite them, and they have an inner yearning for a new way of being.

Through my work as an energy clearer, I have seen many, in the hundreds, transition to the Healing Space where their dark coverings break open to reveal their shimmering soul energy even if it is just a sliver at first. This sliver of soul energy and free will allows them access to breaking away from their darkness and choosing to exist in a higher vibration.

Want to share a paranormal experience? Send me your paranormal questions and your stories to:

For information about paranormal house clearing, you can visit the ‘Services’ section:
House, business and property clearing:

I look forward to sharing this spooky space again with you next week,
And remember, life is perfectly paranormal.

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