#85 Demon Q&A: Your top 5 listener questions & the demonic power hierarchy

We all have questions about the dark paranormal and I am here to answer them through my life and work experiences and observations.

In this episode, we have Demon Q & A – I have a pile of your demonic questions that have been building up, some sensible and some not so sensible and I will answer them all! So sit back and listen for the paranormal low down on demons.

Our five questions are:

  • Is it possible to be possessed by a “good” ghost or demon that can actually help you with stuff? Hilly experience!!!
  • How you do make a deal with a demon without selling your soul
  • How do you become a demon?
  • What do demons actually do all day? Do they have a job?
  • Is there a power hierarchy among demons?


#85 Demon Q&A: Your top 5 listener questions & the demonic power hierarchy



Is it possible to be possessed by a “good” ghost or demon that can help you with stuff?

 It depends on what you mean by ‘stuff’, this question has soooo many possibilities. I was going to give it an outright ‘no’ and then thought let’s look at some options and then make a more informed decision.

Let’s make a list:

  1. I know spirit mediums who allow full body possession by spirits to pass messages to loved ones, share information, the location of missing items etc. The spirit stays short-term and then leaves by their own free will.
  2. If a spirit wants to get back into a body, I would question their motives! People don’t realise how draining and exhausting it is to be around spirit energy all the time… believe me it is not fun by any means.
  3. And another thing, what makes you think it is a spirit…. Dark entities are very cunning and disguise themselves to get close to us. A juicy new host is what some dark beings are looking for especially a person with lots of trauma and emotional baggage.
  4. I get messages or ideas from spirit guides in the form of words or short movies in my third eye, but the beings don’t technically get into my body.
  5. Spirits and dark beings can shadow you too if you invite them to stay… this is not technically body possession but space possession in your home, your bed, your kitchen, your favourite spot on the couch, the shower… you name it, they will follow you everywhere and drive you nuts!
  6. Dark and demonic entities won’t help you with ‘stuff’ the way you expect or want. And I ask what would you want a demon to do for you anyway? They have their own agendas that solely revolve around triggering your shadow self to create the emotional food they want. They look after themselves first!
    If you want to hear a seven year experience from a young man from 12-19 years old, he attempted to make a pact with the devil multiple times to help him and it turned out into a long-running nightmare. Check out episode 33 for Hilly’s full story.


How you do make a deal with a demon without selling your soul.

You can’t! There is always an exchange between two parties. Every deal, contract, agreement, pact or arrangement has an exchange of energy. We humans exchange money, goods or services. Energy beings want an energetic exchange, they already feed off our emotional energy… the next level up is your soul energy.

Why would you want to mess with the dark realm anyway? There has to be a human way to get what you need, too many times I have seen the detrimental outcomes for people who dabble in darkness, totally oblivious of what awaits them… all they can see is what their ego wants and not the reality of their request. Deals with the Devil are not a quick fix!


The next question is a bit of an odd one I think …

How do you become a demon?

The short answer is you don’t! Demonic entities are not the same as human soul energy. I actually think the person who asked this question is a fantasy writer or game player looking for ideas for a DnD game.
On another level, there are people on Earth who live in such a low vibration that I suppose they could be classed as demonic in their behaviours and actions. They show no remorse or empathy for actions that shock the mass population. And there are those who think becoming part of the demonic realm gives them power… maybe in the short term you would feel some sort of authority or control but you really are a pawn for the darer desires of lower vibrational entities.


What do demons actually do all day? Do they have a job?

This question I partially covered back in episode 79 where I shared my opinions and observations about dark entities as teachers, so yes, you could say they have jobs. Check out that episode for an eye opening lesson. Also, there are different ranks of demonic entities and this would be classed as jobs, so let’s dive into…


Is there a power hierarchy among demons?

Yes indeed, there is a hierarchy in the dark realm… entities have jobs and there are workers, managers, and bosses.

I can share with you what I have witnessed and learnt about the hierarchy as I see it. I see the dark realm functioning like an army with different levels of power and authority from your privates to your generals.

The privates:

I have five categories in this section, they are what I call the Mischievous entities

These energy beings can affect your energy by hiding in your energy field, and may influence you by using strategies such as affecting your balance, motor skills, oral functioning or interfering with your facial expressions. They may also manipulate your thought processes, create brain fog, or influence your dreams. See Chapter 2 of my paranormal handbook – The Darkness Around Us for a complete list of signs and symptoms, many of which are relevant to mischievous energies and also the demonic level entities.

When present in homes, mischievous love to create diversions, such as knocking on walls, messing with the plumbing, flickering lights, or shorting out light bulbs. They delight in misplacing objects, fluttering curtains, scratching on surfaces, or pulling on bed covers. These activities have long been attributed to poltergeists. Poltergeist is a German word that means ‘noisy ghost’; this is an inaccurate and disrespectful choice of words. From my experience, spirits don’t throw items, explode light bulbs or lift beds to get our attention.

I haven’t experienced mischievous dark beings throwing furniture or hurling objects at people, but this doesn’t mean that it isn’t a possibility. If you think about it, it would take solid bursts of energy for non-physical beings to move physical items great distances. They already have plenty of tactics to keep us on our toes, so why deplete their energy-moving objects?

What I have seen is their shape-shifting capabilities. These misbehaving energies sometimes take on the form of children looking for refuge by tugging at your heartstrings and weakening your resolve and I did a whole discussion on that back in episode 2.

The Streakers

And no, not the streakers who across sporting ovals buck naked, but they are generally seen at night when you are in a dark room,  eyes closed and drifting off to sleep. You may see flashes of streaking light move across the inside of your eyelids that can’t be explained by any external light source, such as street lights or passing car lights. These energies enter through tears in your energy field and quietly slip into your physical body, generally not creating any physical symptoms but affecting your dream state.

Your dreams and sleep patterns can often be disturbed by the flecks of white or black moving light. Streakers give away their presence by their actions. They are generally drawn to detrimental emotional content in the energy body, the chakras or meridian lines. The governing meridian line, which runs through the centre of the third eye region in the forehead and goes over the centre of the head (crown chakra area), is their main positioning from my experience.


The Shockers

This group of energy beings is a spiteful bunch who love to use shock therapy to initiate emotional responses. They can be present in homes and other buildings or in the environment but rarely enter human energy fields. If disturbed at their location, they retaliate by zapping you with short bursts of electricity on the legs or arms, creating sudden emotional reactions in us, such as shock, fear, anxiety, or horror. I have even been zapped on my legs, thighs, bottom and eyelids on the odd occasion! Unlike other dark beings, shockers do not attach to our emotional energy as a food source.

Shockers make their presence known to show annoyance, satisfy their need for vengeance or spiteful satisfaction, and then leave without further fuss. On reflection, I wonder if these shocker energies draw energy from us through the short sharp electric connection not as a spiteful reaction but as a food source? I experienced the same intensity of electric shock in that exact location the next time I drove on the road. More information needs to be gathered for a concrete answer.


Auditory infiltrators

Have you ever heard internal voices and wondered if your mind is playing tricks or something else talking to you? I have had many experiences with energy beings who only connect to us using words. They use telepathy to project messages which can be delivered as a whisper or a shout. The messages are often repeated, usually with harmful content, and manipulation is their prime objective. I talked about this in detail back in episode 46, and 74.


There is a lot of debate about black-eyed children

These dark energy beings chose disguise as their mode of frightening us. They have a sadistic nature and feed off our terror and fear. The movie industry has long instilled fear into us with images of possessed children with blackened eyes or bewitched children running through cornfields! Children are the core of our society, so this is the perfect way to get into our thoughts and minds as we let down our guard.

The energy beings that use this façade are addicted to our fear, paranoia, and anxiety and readily feed off these emotions. This type of dark energy is mainly seen at night and stands in darkened bedrooms, in a dark wardrobe, in corners, or behind doors. These positions are prized trigger locations because they know we have been trained to fear the dark from the suggestion of supernatural beings seen in paranormal movies. These energies love to mess with your mind, and I have not known them to use physical tactics or enter the physical body. They are more interested in using the environment to infect our minds and keeping us in a state of fear, paranoia, and anxiety.

I have experienced black-eyed children on many occasions during house clearing jobs. Initially, I was fearful due to my mind replaying many terror-filled scenes from paranormal movies, but I quickly learnt to remain neutral to their tactics.


Sexual entities

You can find the full podcast episode 11 Sex demons and their bedroom antics on all podcast apps, and on YouTube at:

These energy beings are also known as incubus and succubus energies and are documented throughout history as terrorising people as they sleep. This is a sensitive topic, but I feel it is essential to mention them as I have seen their effect on my clients with sexually-orientated emotional and trauma issues. As other dark energies are attracted to feed off similar vibrations as themselves, such as paranoia, hatred and fear, so do the sexual energies; this is why I have included them in the feeder section.

Sexual energy beings are attracted to people with intense negative emotions from detrimental sexual experiences such as sexual abuse, traumatised from viewing explicit pornography or being physically exposed to disturbing sexual practices. These traumatising experiences created emotions, such as shame, guilt, remorse, disgust, fear, or helplessness.  Episode 11 covers everything I have observed and experienced with these entities up until 2021, check it out if you want the full story. Saying that the freelancing sex entities can also be classed as magic beings or summoned entities that I have experienced since 2022 onwards. The 2 groups have different ‘jobs’ – The freelancing beings are drawn to people with sexual trauma whereas the summoned entities are sent to harass people in sexual ways by those humans using magic and sorcery.


Now, we enter the heavy end of the darkness scale – Demonic energies

The higher ranking controllers as I call them.

These beings feed on an extreme build-up of trauma and very low vibrational emotions, including hatred, anxiety, resentment, fear, worthless, unworthy, rage, hostility, and paranoia. The beings at this end of the scale may have deeper intent to cause serious emotional harm making a person vulnerable to possession.


Fear feeders

Fear feeders focus on penetrating your mind to find your emotional and mental triggers connected to your worst fears. They will then generate images in your mind, either day or night, to create fear, their primary food source. The best way to combat these energies is to realise when your everyday thoughts or dreams change to negative and fearful and NOT respond with their much-desired fear food. When this happens to me, I say out loud, “It is not real,” and repeat it as many times as I need till I feel calm and relaxed.


Legion soldiers

These beings are en masse and can be deployed in droves when humans overstep their boundaries through provocation, invocation, disrespectful house healing practices, or energy clearing. They are sent as a warning by the high-ranking demonic beings to back off! There are specific places in the world where I would never consider doing house healing work as it would cause significant disruption in the darker realms and my life, mental state and home energy as well.

I experienced retribution from soldier energies when I cleared a house of dark energy during a hired job. The work was done with respect, but they were still not happy. Soldier-level demonic beings can mess with your mind, actions, and reactions day and night and invade your dreams, turning them into nightmares to get your attention or as payback. They can follow you and affect your driving, car functioning, cause electrical issues in the home and generally are a right pain!


Sub Commanders

Someone must order around the legion soldiers, and this is the job of the Sub Commanders. These energies do not usually show themselves to humans as they are in the background overseeing the soldier’s tasks at hand. The sub commander I saw was around seven feet tall with lumpy black skin. He released gloopy black droplets of dark energy where he stood and his piercing blood-red eyes were tiny in comparison to the size of his immense body. Occasionally, a Sub Commander will reveal themselves for a very good reason, as you will hear in an experience I had back in episode 43, where a sub commander chose to defect into the Afterlife.


 Legion Generals

I have had some fascinating experiences with this level of demonic being! You can find the full podcast episode 34 – Conversation with a demon on all podcast apps, and on YouTube at:

These commanding energy beings are charged with keeping order in the lower realms. High-ranking Legion Generals can sometimes challenge house healers, energy clearers, and healers they see as threats or disrespectfully overstep the boundaries.

I have come across Legion Generals many times during my house healing work. They have an immense energetic presence and communicate by telepathy, penetrating your mind’s eye and projecting words and images. I have not heard a spoken word from them as yet. Their appearance is similar to the Sub Commanders in height and colour, but they are more powerfully built with long pointy horns and cloven feet. These beings have no problem letting you know if you have overstepped their perception of ‘the line’ by showing themselves to you and looking you in the eye.


Lastly, we reach the big guy himself, Satan, the Dark Leader

We all have different perceptions regarding the malevolent appearance and behaviour of Satan based on references used within the written text and society’s perceptions. I don’t interact with Satan through my energy and house healing work, as he is not present within homes, so I have very little information to share with you.


Want to share a paranormal experience? Send me your paranormal questions and your stories to:

For information about paranormal house clearing, you can visit the ‘Services’ section:
House, business and property clearing:

I look forward to sharing this spooky space again with you next week,
And remember, life is perfectly paranormal.


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